Kutsinta Recipe: A Taste of the Philippines in Every Bite

Kutsinta, also known as “kuchinta” or “brown rice cake,” is a beloved Filipino delicacy that’s a delightful blend of chewy, sticky, and slightly sweet. This traditional treat holds a special place in Filipino cuisine, often enjoyed as a snack or dessert. In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of kutsinta, sharing a delicious recipe and uncovering the history and cultural significance of this unique Filipino dish.

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The History of Kutsinta

Kutsinta’s origins can be traced back to the Philippines’ rich history, with influences from Malay, Chinese, and Spanish cuisines. The name “kutsinta” is derived from the Filipino word “kutsara,” which means spoon. This is because the traditional method of steaming kutsinta involves using a spoon or a small cup to mold and shape them. Over the years, kutsinta has evolved, with various regional variations and personal touches added to the recipe.


To make kutsinta, you’ll need the following ingredients

  1. Rice Flour: The main ingredient in kutsinta, rice flour gives it a characteristic chewy texture.
  2. All-Purpose Flour: This helps provide structure to the kutsinta.
  3. Brown Sugar: For sweetness and that distinctive brown color.
  4. Lye Water (Aguas de Cal or Sodium Hydroxide Solution): This is a key ingredient for kutsinta, as it gives it its unique texture and appearance. Lye water is available in most Filipino or Asian grocery stores.
  5. Water: For mixing the ingredients.
  6. Annatto Extract (Atsuete): This optional ingredient adds a mild earthy flavor and a deeper color to the kutsinta.
Utensil and Equipment:

Making kutsinta requires a few basic utensils and equipment that are commonly found in most kitchens. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  1. Mixing Bowl: Use a medium to large-sized mixing bowl to combine the dry and wet ingredients for the kutsinta batter.
  2. Steaming Equipment: You’ll need a steamer to cook the kutsinta. This can be a traditional bamboo steamer, a metal steamer, or an electric steamer, depending on what you have available.
  3. Molds or Small Cups: Kutsinta is traditionally cooked and served in small cup-shaped molds. You can use aluminum or silicone molds or small heat-resistant cups to steam the kutsinta.
  4. Mixing Spoon or Whisk: Use a mixing spoon or whisk to thoroughly combine the ingredients for the kutsinta batter until you achieve a smooth consistency.
  5. Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accurate measurement is crucial for the success of any recipe, so make sure you have measuring cups and spoons to measure the ingredients precisely.
  6. Ladle or Pouring Utensil: You’ll need a ladle or a pouring utensil to transfer the kutsinta batter into the molds or small cups before steaming.
  7. Pot or Steamer: If you’re using a stovetop steamer, you’ll need a pot or a pan to generate steam and cook the kutsinta.
  8. Grater (Optional): If you plan to serve the kutsinta with grated coconut, you’ll need a grater to shred the coconut.

Having these basic utensils and equipment ready will ensure a smooth and enjoyable kutsinta-making experience.

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Kutsinta is often served with grated coconut, which adds a lovely contrast to its sweetness. You can also top it with sesame seeds or latik (caramelized coconut cream) for extra flavor.

Latik is a traditional Filipino topping made from simmering coconut milk until the oil separates and the solids turn golden brown. It’s often used as a topping for various Filipino desserts, including kutsinta, suman, and maja blanca. Here’s a simple recipe for making latik:


1 can of coconut milk


  1. Begin by pouring the coconut milk into a saucepan. Use either freshly squeezed coconut milk or canned coconut milk, whichever is readily available.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the coconut milk to a gentle boil, stirring occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  3. Once the coconut milk comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer. Allow the coconut milk to simmer for 30-40 minutes, stirring frequently.
  4. As the coconut milk simmers, the water will evaporate, leaving behind coconut oil and solids. Keep stirring to prevent the solids from burning.
  5. After a while, the coconut milk solids will start to turn golden brown. Continue cooking and stirring until the solids become evenly golden and slightly crisp.
  6. Once the desired color and consistency are reached, remove the pan from the heat and let the latik cool.
  7. You can now use the latik as a topping for your favorite Filipino desserts. It adds a rich coconut flavor and a delightful textural contrast to the dish.

Whether you’re preparing traditional Filipino sweets or looking to add a unique flavor to your desserts, making homemade latik is a simple and rewarding process that can elevate the taste of your dishes.


Here’s how to make delicious kutsinta at home:

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine 1 cup of rice flour, 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour, and 1 cup of brown sugar. Mix them thoroughly.
  2. Add 1 1/2 cups of water and 1/4 teaspoon of lye water (use caution and follow safety guidelines when handling lye water). Mix until the batter is smooth.
  3. For a richer color, you can add a few drops of annatto extract to the batter.
  4. Pour the batter into molds or small cups, filling them about halfway.
  5. Steam the kutsinta for about 20-25 minutes until they become firm and translucent.
  6. Once done, let them cool before removing them from the molds.
  7. Serve your kutsinta with grated coconut, sesame seeds, or latik for a delightful and authentic Filipino treat.
Cultural Significance:

Kutsinta is not just a delicious snack; it’s a symbol of Filipino hospitality and celebration. You’ll find it at family gatherings, fiestas, and special occasions throughout the Philippines. Its unique texture and sweet taste make it a favorite among locals and a delightful discovery for travelers exploring Filipino cuisine.


Kutsinta offers a sweet taste of Filipino culture and tradition. Making this delicious delicacy at home not only allows you to enjoy its unique flavor but also helps preserve a cherished part of Filipino culinary heritage. So, why not try your hand at making kutsinta and savor the delightful flavors of the Philippines?

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